
A warm welcome to schools in Ontario and New Brunswick that have decided to implement the Trottibus Walking School Bus.
Registration for schools outside Quebec is not possible through this website. To register or to learn more about the participating schools, please click here.

About us

Every day, the Canadian Cancer Society works to save more lives. With the support of thousands of Quebecers, donors and volunteers, we fight to enable our researchers to make more discoveries, help more people living with the disease, and also prevent more cancers.

Being active is one of the ways to lower the risk of getting cancer. That’s why the Canadian Cancer Society decided to encourage the young and not so young to integrate walking into their lifestyle. How? By developing a pedestrian school bus network across Quebec: the Trottibus Walking School Bus.

The CCS’s main responsibilities are to train the people in charge of the project, provide them with all the necessary tools, and help them in volunteer recruitment (when needed).

Thank you to all our partners

The Canadian Cancer Society’s Trottibus, the Walking School Bus, is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Public Health Agency of Canada.

logo-veloquebecThe Canadian Cancer Society works together with Vélo Québec and some of its regional representatives as part of the Trottibus Walking School Bus and of the program On the Move in the Community.

MPALe Plan d’action régional Montréal physiquement active allows for the development of environments that are conducive to physical activity in order to encourage Montrealers to become and remain physically active. The Canadian Cancer Society is proud to be counted among the many partners of Montréal physiquement active.

ver_logo_final_1-moyenneThe Canadian Cancer Society is pleased to be able to count on its partner Vivre en résidence to spread various volunteering opportunities among those aged 50 and over, including the intergenerational project: Trottibus, the walking school bus.

It also collaborates with various schools, community organizations, and municipalities to roll out the Trottibus Walking School Bus across the whole of Québec.

Jean Béliveau, the global walker

The Canadian Cancer Society is interested in Jean Béliveau the global walker’s adventure. He encourages all children to make a commitment to walking every day. For more information on his great adventure, visit his website:

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Canadian Cancer Society

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