February 2022
These recommendations replace our previous recommendations (August 2021)
On behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS), we appreciate your commitment to the Trottibus initiative.
In accordance with public health recommendations issued by the Government of Quebec and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) and as we prioritize the well-being and safety of Trottibus participants and volunteers, we adapted the instructions to be followed for pursuing Trottibus activities at participating schools in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please note that these instructions are for all Trottibus participants (organizing committee members, volunteers, Trottibus children and their parents) in schools that have an active Trottibus, are developing a Trottibus, or wish to resume their Trottibus in the 2021-2022 school year.
The CCS refers to the specific guidelines for the education community (COVID-19) established by the Quebec government to present you with the most recent measures regarding the Trottibus project.
– The wearing of a mask or face cover is recommended for people (10 years and older) who do not belong to the same bubble unless they respect the physical distance of 1 meter.
– Masks are required for volunteers when interactions within 2 meters are unavoidable.
– Pairs of children/volunteers living in the same household are preferred and no distance is required between them.
– Pairs should remain the same each day as much as possible.
– Physical contact between walkers during the Trottibus should be avoided.
– Both students and volunteers should wash their hands before and after the Trottibus. In addition, it is recommended that each participant carry antiseptic gel in their bag to clean their hands upon entering and exiting the Trottibus.
– The CCS recommends that there be 2 adult volunteers per Trottibus ride and that the ratio of 1 adult volunteer to 8 children be respected.
– We recommend that the arrival of the Trottibus walkers at the school be planned with the organizing committee and the volunteers to avoid the creation of gatherings upon arrival (the distance between people could then be difficult to supervise).
– We recommend that parents of children who are at home or working from home be called upon to fill the need for additional volunteers.
For more information on wearing masks in schools, please refer to the updated Mask Guidelines (quebec.ca).
Please take note of your volunteers’ comments and report them to the Canadian Cancer Society so that we can make the necessary adjustments to these recommendations.
Please refer to our recommendations in case of symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test result in a child waking with the Trottibus.
In case of symptoms associated with COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, sudden loss of smell or taste, headache or throat, other symptoms according to the government website) please stay home, call 1 877 644-4545 and follow the instructions given to you.
Please stay home if you have been told to isolate yourself (return from travel, diagnosed with COVID-19, contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19, etc.).
For more information on COVID-19, please visit Quebec.ca.