
Recommendations in the event of COVID-19 symptoms1 or a positive COVID-19 test result in a child using the Trottibus

Last update: February 3, 2021


The Canadian Cancer Society appreciates your commitment to the Trottibus project.

Following our latest recommendations on Trottibus activities in the context of the  COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with the public health recommendations issued by the Government of Quebec and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), you will find below our instructions in the event of COVID-19 symptoms1 or a positive COVID-19 test result in a child using the Trottibus. These instructions are intended for all Trottibus participants (members of the organizing committee, volunteers, children who registered for the Trottibus and their parents) from active schools that wish to resume Trottibus activities or launch them at the start of the 2020 school year (or during the 2020-2021 school year).

Important reminders and recommendations:

  • Parents of children registered for the Trottibus must keep their child at home in the event of symptoms: fever, cough (new or worsening), shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, sudden loss of smell without nasal congestion, with or without loss of taste, severe fatigue, significant loss of appetite, generalized muscle pain (not related to physical exertion), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache.
  • For schools located in green, yellow, and orange zones, we recommend that Trottibus organizing committees and all Trottibus volunteers respect the ratio of two volunteers per trip with a ratio of 2 volunteers per 8 children.
  • For schools located in the red zone, we recommend limiting the number of children per group of walkers to 6 children and limiting the length of the Trottibus to 8 metres. Depending on the arrangement of the children on the Trottibus, in pairs (only children living under the same roof or part of the same class group who can thus be put into pairs) or alone in single file, the number of volunteers will vary:
    • Ratio of 2 volunteers per 6 children if the Trottibus is 8 metres or shorter.
    • Ratio of 3 volunteers per 6 children if the Trottibus is longer than 8 metres.
  • See the recommendations regarding distancing and the wearing of masks by zone in our latest update of recommendations.
  • We recommend that parents of registered children accompany their child to the Trottibus stop.
  • We recommend that parents of registered children provide their child with hand sanitizer. As the Trottibus is a school project, ask the school administrators if it is possible to secure a kit of disposable masks for situations where a child in grades 1 to 6 does not have a mask or a preschool child presents symptoms while on the Trottibus.

If a student has one or more symptoms1 at home:

  • The child should stay home and avoid contact with other people. 
  • The parent should use the self-assessment tool on COVID-19-symptom-self-assessment-tool or call 1 877 644-4545 and follow the instructions provided to them to determine if the child should be tested or if they can return to their school environment.

If a student presents symptoms during the Trottibus trip:

  • If the parent is not present at the Trottibus stop, one of the volunteers should immediately call the child’s parents and ask them to come and pick them up. The child should be isolated from the rest of the group with one of the volunteers.
  • The volunteer must wear a procedural mask and eye protection if they have to come within two metres of the child (wearing a mask is mandatory at all times for the Trottibus volunteer)
  • If the parents cannot be reached, the child should be left at the school and self-isolated in a school room.
  • If the parents cannot be reached, a single Trottibus volunteer should look after the student during the trip to school and keep them isolated from the rest of the group for the duration of the trip.
  • If the parents are reachable, the volunteer should ask them to pick up their child at the school entrance as soon as possible. The parent may also be able to pick up their child at a stop, along the way to school, depending on the parent’s decision. However, the Trottibus will not stop its route to wait for the parent to arrive in order to avoid getting to school late.
  • The parent should contact 1-877-644-4545 as soon as possible and follow the instructions provided to them. The child should self-isolate at home until parents receive public health instructions.

If a student from my child’s Trottibus tests positive for COVID-19:

  • All parents and school staff will be automatically notified by the school when a case of COVID-19 is diagnosed in the school environment.
  • With the help of the parents of the child concerned and the school, regional public health officials will identify the contacts.
  • People considered to be at moderate or high risk will be contacted by regional public health officials. They will be removed from the environment and tested.
  • People considered to be at low risk will be able to continue using the Trottibus and will have to monitor for symptoms for 14 days.

If a volunteer tests positive for COVID-19:

  • The volunteer must inform the organizing committee, which will then inform the school as well as the parents of the walkers with whom they were in contact.
  • The volunteer must cease Trottibus activities until they test negative for COVID-19.
  • All parents and school staff will be automatically notified by the school when a case of COVID-19 is identified in the school environment.

Here is the link to a French document presenting steps to follow if a case of COVID-19 is identified in the school environment: Marche à suivre en cas de COVID-19 en milieu scolaire.

When can I end my home isolation?

In general, you can stop self-isolating at home if all of the following conditions have been met:

  • 10 days have passed since the onset of your symptoms.
  • You haven’t had a fever for at least 48 hours (without taking fever-reducing medicine).
  • Your symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours (excluding cough or loss of smell, which may last longer).

If in doubt, call 1 877 644-4545.

Here is a link for more information on when to self-isolate:

Here is a link for instructions for people with COVID-19 in home isolation:

Please take note of your volunteers’ comments and report them to the Canadian Cancer Society so we can make any necessary adjustments to these recommendations.

1Here are the symptoms to monitor for: fever, cough (new or worsening), shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, sudden loss of smell without nasal congestion, with or without loss of taste, severe fatigue, significant loss of appetite, generalized muscle pain (not related to physical exertion), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache.

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